One million to-dos:

One revolutionary reminder app

Designed for on-the-go families like yours, HoneyDo is a revolutionary family organizer app that simplifies your scheduling for good. Increase your productivity by 70% by securing your free download today.

Iphone mockup showing HoneyDo App main screen
headshot of HoneyDo App user woman
headshot of HoneyDo App user mom with babyheadshot of HoneyDo App male 
userheadshot of HoneyDo App user

Consider it done with HoneyDo.

image of a reminder card for Taco Tuesday!Reminder to wash the kids soccer uniformsDon't forget Date Night with HoneyDoimage of a reminder card for Taco Tuesday!

Let HoneyDo do it for You

This photo shows a collage of the UI that allows the user to take a photo of a paper calendar and have the app create reminders automatically based on the captured image


Everyone has multiple lists, planners, and calendars. HoneyDo can consolidate it all using our SMARTphoto feature.

How? With SMARTphoto, transform your paper planner into a digital calendar by using your smartphone camera and instantly syncing with HoneyDo. HoneyDo will capture the existing calendar events you've written down on your family calendar and input them into digital format, assign them to your recipients based on your notes, and automatically send reminders.

Quickly digitize your paper calendar in seconds!

Image represents the list of tasks that is organized in the UI


HoneyDo incorporates familiar habits and technologies effortlessly into your daily task management routines.

Recipients of reminders, whether they are app users or not, can mark their task as complete by holding down the HoneyDo text reminder and selecting the “” tapback reply. HoneyDo will then mark the task as complete, eliminating the need for constant follow-ups and phone calls.

Tapback responses in your messaging app mark tasks as done!

Photo shows the UI where the user can speak and have reminders created based on the dictation and ai interaction


No need to text and manually input all the little details yourself.

Simply speak your reminder into your app, and HoneyDo will use voice-recognition technology to translate your words into text. HoneyDo will create an SMS text reminder based on your voice command. SMARTvoice is more than dictation; it enables a true, hands-free task creation workflow!

Speak and generate your reminder with recipients and message frequency automatically selected

Image represents the ui for SMARTsms showing how the user can select multiple sms delivery times


HoneyDo is the first family organization app of its kind to use SMS text messaging to send reminders.

You can send reminders to family members and friends, even if they don't have the HoneyDo app. Just open your app, and schedule a reminder to be sent to that person at the date, time, and frequency of your choice. Whether it's a one-time event or a recurring series of events (like soccer games), let HoneyDo remember it for you!

Tapback responses in your messaging app mark tasks as done!


Send simple, automated, timed SMS reminders to help you manage tasks with ease

HoneyDo Icon showing phone sending a message


Share reminders to friend’s and family’s calendars instantly, whether they have the app or not

Icon for sharing reminders with multiple HoneyDo users


Scan your paper calendar and watch is sync seamlessly into HoneyDo and your digital

White calendar Icon for syncing calendar to HoneyDo App


Simplify your scheduling by quickly adding one-time or bulk reminders

Icon showing checklist representing how HoneyDo can simplify your life

The Old Way

The HoneyDo Way

Spending hours organizing your weekly calendar only to have your family completely ignore it and ask for the details last minute, every time!

SMARTphoto technology scans the paper calendar & imports it into HoneyDo and automatically reminds everyone via SMS.

Constantly reminding your family about events, being told you never said anything, and feeling like you are the one losing your mind.

Set up reminders to be sent to your family at a custom frequency that YOU choose. Finally have proof that you aren’t insane!

Worrying that mom will forget to pay her electric bill.

Schedule monthly text reminder for mom to pay her electric bill.

Forgetting small things, which add up to be big things.

Set it and forget it (or don’t?!) Let HoneyDo remind you about all the things.

Too many meetings, projects, & events.

No need for multiple meetings - send out SMS texts with all the info needed. 

Mounting stress & anxiety over never-ending lists.

Kick back and relax for family movie night. Life is short, let HoneyDo make it sweet.

Sign up to bring treats to class party. Forget to send treats to school.

Set a HoneyDo reminder to pick up treats. Be the superhero of the day with juice boxes and cookies for hangry kids.

The Old Way

The HoneyDo Way

Spending hours organizing your weekly calendar only to have your family completely ignore it and ask for the details last minute, every time!

SMARTphoto technology scans the paper calendar & imports it into HoneyDo and automatically reminds everyone via SMS.

Constantly reminding your family about events, being told you never said anything, and feeling like you are the one losing your mind.

Set up reminders to be sent to your family at a custom frequency that YOU choose. Finally have proof that you aren’t insane!

Worrying that mom will forget to pay her electric bill.

Schedule monthly text reminder for mom to pay her electric bill.

Forgetting small things, which add up to be big things.

Set it and forget it (or don’t?!) Let HoneyDo remind you about all the things.

No more reminding... Just HoneyDo it!

headshot of HoneyDo App userheadshot of HoneyDo App user mom with 2 kids
headshot of HoneyDo App user woman
headshot of HoneyDo App male 
headshot of HoneyDo App user mom with baby
headshot of HoneyDo App user
headshot of HoneyDo App user
HoneyDo user at the beach

The buzz on HoneyDo

Thousands of families are using HoneyDo to manage their busy lifestyles.

Hahah yes - the family calendar is really moms calendar on who to remind to be where and when 🏆🏆

Danielle McKenna

Literally the best app and parent life hack on the interweb. 👏

Morgan Krulisky

"How have I survived five months with zero driving?! It hasn’t been easy but Honey Do has helped me stay sane..."

headshot of HoneyDo App user

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Twitter - Cloudly X Webflow Template
Matt Cannon

We love Honeydoapp!

Lo Chandler

We looooove honey do 😍

Helby Ryder

"How have I survived five months with zero driving?! It hasn’t been easy but Honey Do has helped me stay sane..."

headshot of HoneyDo App user

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Twitter - Cloudly X Webflow Template
Matt Cannon

Such an awesome app!

Avoly Wainwright

Wives everywhere need that


My adhd brain needs this app desperately!!!! Downloading now!!!

Stephanie Teigen

"How have I survived five months with zero driving?! It hasn’t been easy but Honey Do has helped me stay sane..."

headshot of HoneyDo App user

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Twitter - Cloudly X Webflow Template
Matt Cannon

Hahah yes - the family calendar is really moms calendar on who to remind to be where and when 🏆🏆

Danielle McKenna

Literally the best app and parent life hack on the interweb. 👏

Morgan Krulisky

"How have I survived five months with zero driving?! It hasn’t been easy but Honey Do has helped me stay sane..."

headshot of HoneyDo App user

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Twitter - Cloudly X Webflow Template
Matt Cannon

Such an awesome app!

Avoly Wainwright

Wives everywhere need that


My adhd brain needs this app desperately!!!! Downloading now!!!

Stephanie Teigen

"How have I survived five months with zero driving?! It hasn’t been easy but Honey Do has helped me stay sane..."

headshot of HoneyDo App user

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Twitter - Cloudly X Webflow Template
Matt Cannon

We love Honeydoapp!

Lo Chandler

We looooove honey do 😍

Helby Ryder

"How have I survived five months with zero driving?! It hasn’t been easy but Honey Do has helped me stay sane..."

headshot of HoneyDo App user

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Twitter - Cloudly X Webflow Template
Matt Cannon

Hahah yes - the family calendar is really moms calendar on who to remind to be where and when 🏆🏆

Danielle McKenna

Literally the best app and parent life hack on the interweb. 👏

Morgan Krulisky

"How have I survived five months with zero driving?! It hasn’t been easy but Honey Do has helped me stay sane..."

headshot of HoneyDo App user

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Twitter - Cloudly X Webflow Template
Matt Cannon


Download now and take your calendar skills to a new level!

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Have Android devices... it's ok, we have you covered! ;)

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